Replacing Sensors on Your HVAC System

Replacing Sensors on Your HVAC System

  • Four Reasons Your Air Conditioning Might Be Making Strange Noises

    There are a number of reasons your air conditioning system might be making strange noises. In the best case scenario, these noises mean that something is just out of place and needs to be adjusted or replaced; in the worst case scenario, they indicate serious problems with your AC unit that could put you at risk for expensive repairs or worse. Here are four reasons your air conditioner might be making strange noises.

  • Reverse-Cycle Air Conditioning Maintenance Protocols

    Reverse-cycle air conditioning units conduct both cooling and warming functions. The system is robust but requires proper care to ensure its longevity. Hence, you must keep the system in excellent condition to avoid huge repair expenditures. This piece discusses various practices that can help prevent the failure of a reverse-cycle air conditioning unit.   Cleaning A reverse-cycle air conditioner becomes less efficient when debris, dust and dirt accumulate in the unit. Your electricity bill increases significantly since the air conditioner must work hard to overcome the hindrances to airflow caused by dirt, dust and debris.

  • Tips to Maximise the Efficiency of Your Residential Air Conditioning System

    While homeowners generally desire a healthy indoor climate (characterised by adequate thermal comfort and good indoor air quality), attaining this quality can mean using an air conditioning system during the summer season. An air conditioner can keep your house cool and comfortable by drawing heat from the interior environment and dissipating it outside. But air conditioning units require energy to operate. In fact, they are one of the biggest users of electricity in many Australian households.

  • Tips for Correct Positioning of a Split Air Conditioning System

    Comfort should take precedence when building a new house. It involves installing an air conditioning system to manage the microclimate in your home. Thanks to its many benefits, a split air conditioner is perhaps one of the most common in residential homes. However, did you know that the positioning of a split air conditioner determines its performance? Most homeowners are unaware of the fact and install the air conditioner anywhere. However, haphazard split AC installation is a hard no if you want to get the most out of the system.

  • 4 Reasons to Upgrade Your Home Heating and Cooling System

    If your home HVAC system is very old, then it is likely that it's not delivering the same performance that you could get from a newer system. Replacing your home's heating and cooling system is a great way to make your home feel more comfortable, energy-efficient, and peaceful. Here are a few reasons to make heating and cooling replacement a priority. 1. Make Your Home More Comfortable Very old heating and cooling systems sometimes struggle to keep up with the demands that today's climate places on them.

About Me

Replacing Sensors on Your HVAC System

Welcome to my blog which covers a wide range of HVAC topics. I'm Josh and I live in Perth, Australia. I never really used to think about the HVAC system in my home. I believed that when it was hot the HVAC system would cool me down and when it was cold it would warm my house up. However, all that changed one day when the HVAC system went crazy. It began to blow hot air into my house on the warmest day of the year. The contractor I called out said that one of the sensors had broken. He explained how I could better maintain my HVAC system so I decided to start this blog.
